Our Programs
Damariscotta Montessori continues to utilize the multi-age classroom approach during the elementary years. We offer two levels: lower elementary (grades 1-3) and upper elementary (grades 4-6). Grouping students with peers of different chronological ages has a myriad of benefits, including:
models for younger students
leadership opportunity for older students
flexibility and blending of academic skill levels
opportunity to build a relationship between a teacher and family
As within our primary program, fostering independence is a priority during the elementary years. As children master the ability to care for their own basic needs, there is a shift toward building emotional resilience and empathy, time management skills, and strengthening internal motivation.
The morning work cycle allows for choice within limits, within a structure that is developmentally appropriate for elementary-aged children. Students are given an individualized work plan with a list of tasks that must be completed. They are free to choose the order of their work as well as where and with whom they sit. Children’s desire to engage socially is woven into the learning structure; there is plenty of group seating as well as opportunities to work cooperatively. If a child has difficulty completing their work, it is seen as a learning opportunity. Teachers meet with children as a whole group and individually to brainstorm and suggest strategies for success.
The Montessori elementary curriculum focuses on core subjects such as mathematics and language skills, as well as what are referred to as the “cultural subjects”: history, science, and geography. The curriculum spirals, bringing skills back around again as children age. For example, first graders work with a hands-on material to learn the four operations in a concrete, including division. By the third grade, they have moved on to using a material that bridges the gap between large long division problems and completing said problems with pencil and paper. In upper elementary, this knowledge is applied to division of fractions, decimals, and more.
reading specialist
At Damariscotta Montessori School we honor the unique development of each child. If a child reaches a point at which they need extra support with reading skills, we have a specialist available to help.
Elementary Information for Kindergarteners
Each year, our Lower Elementary teacher hosts an information night for kindergarten families who are about to transition into first grade. We were able to record one of those meetings because we held it on Zoom. We invite you to watch it, even if your child is not in kindergarten because it gives you a little peek into the classroom. Please keep in mind that it is not a professionally edited and produced video, but the pictures and information are specific to our school. Enjoy!